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In order to provide answers to the challenges and opportunities posed by current megatrends, the Lisbon+21 Declaration is based on three main axes that should serve as ground principles for youth policies and programs.
First, the Declaration recognizes that the human rights of young people are not fully realized and establishes that youth policies and programs must be based on the realization of those rights. The second key element is the participation of youth in the planning, execution and evaluation of policies and programs. And, thirdly, the long-term principle that should shape youth policies and programs is sustainability in its three aspects, namely economic, social and environmental.
These three principles are cross-cutting to all action in the field of youth and are part of the integrated perspective of the Lisbon+21 Declaration and, therefore, all actions must aim at the realization of Human Rights, count on the participation of youth as an approach and have a perspective of sustainability.
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The Lisbon+21 Declaration reinforces the relevance of the World Program of Action for Youth (WPAY) and the Lisbon Declaration of 1998 and provides a renewed and updated prism with regard to youth policies and programs .
The Lisbon+21 Declaration contains 19 commitments, each dealing with a different area, highlighting both objectives and specific approaches to youth policies and programs. When evaluating policies, programs or projects, it is necessary to identify the commitments that we are working on.
The Declaration innovates substantially regarding the methodology and approach adopted in the planning, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in the area of Youth.
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Atualizado em: 18/03/2021
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