Framework - IPDJ




In 2019, Lisbon hosted for the second time the World Conference of Ministers responsible for Youth. 100 delegations, composed of Ministers responsible for Youth, representatives of Governments and Youth Delegates, met to discuss ways to ensure that the human rights of young people are realized. For the first time in the history of global ministerial conferences, Youth Delegates, representatives of the Youth of their country, accompanied the formal Delegation of Governments and discussed, on an equal footing, the commitments needed to face the megatrends that shape the present and the future. future.

The Lisbon+21 Declaration is the Final Declaration of the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth 2019 and the Youth Forum Lisbon+21. The document was proclaimed both by the Ministers responsible for Youth or Government representatives, as well as by the Youth Delegates present at the Lisbon+21 event, thus incorporating the vision of Governments and Youth, on an equal footing. The document also has the endorsement of the Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General for Youth, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the ILO, UNESCO, UNFPA and UNICEF.

The Lisbon+21 Declaration is an integral part of the Global heritage in terms of Youth policies and programs, being a document that should not be read and interpreted as unique and independent. The Declaration had reiterated the relevance of other international documents and affirmed the bases on which Youth policies and programs should be built, namely the World Program of Action for Youth and the Lisbon Declaration of 1998. The referred documents should be considered interconnectedly and Lisbon+21 understood as a response to the new challenges emerging in the 21st century, within a framework designed in the 20th century.


Evaluation of Implementation 

Principles and Commitments

Atualizado em: 18/03/2021

DJ Bot  (Em Treino)



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